
Welcome to the STUDIO
I thank you for taking some time to stop and browse around. This work has been my passion for many years. I am always eager to answer any questions you may have.
I am a long-time creative with a history in fine art, graphic design, and knitting & needlework. In 2010 I shifted my focus to jewelry making—and although I never would have predicted such a move, part of that decision was the sheer enjoyment of meeting so many interesting people along the way.
I have made and sold a great many pieces over the years...loving...almost! –every minute.
The jewelry is a striking blend of rare vintage hardware, gemstones, and leathers. The leather necklace is my specialty! Each is one-of-a-kind, with a lived-in look and feel that is easy to wear anytime.
Scarves and textiles are another collection. I sew with thoughtfully selected antique fabrics, letting them tell me just how they want to be. My handmade leather slides give each scarf a kick and make them a breeze to wear.
My love of art began as a child. The most influential years were the early 1960s–when I was surrounded by the amazing artworks by my father. He was a prolific young artist. There were vibrant paintings on driftwood, carved totems, etched stone, block prints, assemblages, carpets, jewelry, and more. I was a wee one–but I was aware. I could see that he used found objects and materials in extraordinary ways to create valuable and exciting art. I would not know him in my life, yet I observed and retained every detail of the fascinating things he made. His work gave me a first taste and thrill of unbound creativity, and enlightened me to the fact that valuable art can emerge from humble materials.
Many years later, this connective spark would inspire my own work as a jewelry artist. And in a similar way as my father, I favor vintage and antique materials. I like to say that I borrow from the past, yet I design for today. This is my artistic inheritance.
My studio has been featured twice in the international magazine Where Women Create. Both issues, Summer 2016 and Spring 2023 tell the ongoing story of my creative spaces and my life as an artist. My heartfelt thanks to this magazine for the features, and for being an inspiration to me, and to many artists and art lovers around the world.
My best, –DH